Sunday, February 6, 2011

Grocery Shopping HELL

How do people feed their family on $30 or $40 or $50 a week? Are they packing lunches? What are the making for dinner?

I try to read those websites and blogs.  I do a weekly meal plan.  I make a grocery list.  I try to use coupons and shop sales.

Tonight I waited until the Super Bowl had started before heading to the grocery store.  The place was empty...SCORE! My plan worked.

This is what I spent...


I don't even want to tell you my husband and daughter did some shopping Saturday for a get together he was hosting Saturday night (after I made tons of yummy food....nobody showed up) and some other random stuff and managed to spent a little over $70!!

This is what I got - Like a blogger crazy I carefully arranged EVERYTHING I purchased to take this photo -

It seems like a lot of $$$ to me for not a lot of food.  I want to be the woman who feeds her family all week and only spends $50 at the grocery store.  I guess I just need to keep trying to be a better more frugal shopper.


Unknown said...

I keep trying too...there must be something they are not telling us. :)

~Christy~ said...

Seriously, you have to be one of those CRAZY people with a thousand coupons who goes to EVERY grocery store in the city to get all the different deals in order to get a week's worth for that little. Frankly, I just don't have the time or patience for it. :-/

Erin McG said...

I want to be one of those women too. It's one of my New Years Resolutions. Every little bit helps!!

ValentineGirl said...

Grocery shopping at Walmart is my secret

Moms of all Trades said...

I do the same thing! Thanks for joining the blog hop! We are your newest followers!

Mrs. Beer said...

Hiiii... new follower alert!

I CANNOT walk out of grocery store (or Target!) without a bajillion dollars. I hate spending money on food! Mama needs shoes... not 3 boxes of cereal and a carton of eggs that somehow costs $112? I will never understand it.