Thanks for reading.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Insta Friday
The other week I made Buckeyes for my husband to to have while watching the Ohio State game. Please forgive the holes in the center. |
My mom came the other weekend and we went shopping for Madison's birthday - Here is Madison with all of her bags. |
A TO DO list Madison made for me the other week... |
I was so excited to pick up this pumpkin bar mix... but then I softened the butter instead of melting it and then cooked it for too long. They weren't very good. |
Portraits I had taken of Madison |
On Tuesday I was off. My husband stayed home too and we went to Hobby Lobby, out to lunch, and to Trader Joes. |
Apparently at the new pediatrician's office if you have a cold or cough you have to wear a mask when you walk in the door... Madison happily obliged. |
While at Trader Joes I stocked up on some seasonal pumpkin items. |
Monday, October 15, 2012
I AM THE FACE - October 15 - Pregnancy & Infant Loss Rememberance Day
I am 1 in 4.
So many other women I know are too.
Today... like most days I think of the pregnancy we lost - it is never really far from my mind. I still think is is especially difficult because we haven't gotten pregnant since our loss - but we are working on it. I also think of friends and family members I know who have lost a pregnancy, who have lost babies... and the ones who have lost both a pregnancy and a baby.
It sucks. It is sad. It is so unfair.
I am 1 in 4.
I am 1 in 4.
baby loss,
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
So WHAT Wednesday!
It is time for So WHAT Wednesday!
SO WHAT if... this cold, rainy, dreary weather just makes me want to be "too sick" to work so I can crawl in my bed and watch the gobs of reality TV shows on my DVR.
SO WHAT if... I softened instead of melted the butter for the pumpkin bars I made last night and I also over-baked them. What a baking fail.
SO WHAT if... I gave my mom crap all weekend for her Phillip Phillips ring tone. I was seriously wondering while at the mall on Saturday where that song was coming from... from her phone.
SO WHAT if... I haven't order oil to fill up our tank yet. We have oil heat and it is so expensive and I hate it. Calling and paying that lump sum... multiple times each winter hurts me.
SO WHAT if... I am glad I ordered the smallest cheerleading photo package possible. I am pretty sure the one I took via Instagram turned out way better than the ones I paid for.
SO WHAT if... I got an email from my boss yesterday asking for a company "meet-up" before the end of the year. In Washington, D.C... no less... which means I would have to fly. I have a huge list of reasons why this meet-up won't be happening (don't like my co-workers, don't get paid enough money to leave my family for a work trip, they are only covering airfare and hotel... what about other expenses, too close to the holidays, etc..) and just explained I have anxiety when it comes to flying.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
COOKIE Butter (or Biscoff) Cookies
Cookie butter or Biscoff is pretty popular. I always hear others rave about it on other blogs or on Instagram. So a few months back while at Trader Joes I had to pick up a jar. But when I tried a spoonful I didn't really care for it. I am a Jif Reduced Fat kind of girl.
Last weekend I stumbled across a recipe for Cookie Butter Cookies and figured it was a great use of the cookie butter or Speculoos (the name on the Trader Joe's jar) that was still in my cabinet.
Let me just say... these were a big hit. My husband brought the leftovers to work and the guys at work also enjoyed them. My husband may have also requested I make him a cookiewich after dinner tonight with vanilla and a bit of chocolate ice cream smashed in between two of these great cookies.
Cookie Butter Cookies -
3/4 c. cookie butter/Trader Joe's Speculoos
1/2 c. butter - softened
1 1/4 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
3/4 c. packed brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 c. butter - softened
1 1/4 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
3/4 c. packed brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
In a mixing bowl, beat the butter and cookie butter on medium to high for 30 seconds. Add in 1/2 cup of the flour, the sugars, the egg, the baking soda, baking powder, and the vanilla. Beat until thoroughly combined. Beat in the remaining flour until well incorporated.
And if you like to eat raw cookie dough... have a nibble. This dough is fabulous.
Shape dough into 1-inch balls. Place 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. I placed mine on a pan lined with parchment paper.
Bake 9 minutes until lightly browned, then cool on a wire rack.
Bake 9 minutes until lightly browned, then cool on a wire rack.
This recipe makes about 2 dozen.
I am linking up this post here -

cookie butter,
cookie butter cookies,
trader joes
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
SO WHAT Wednesday!
I am linking up with Shannon for -
SO WHAT if... I cannot... will not give up my cherry Coke zero. Unless of course I end up pregnant and then I'll stop buying/drinking it.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Miscellany Monday
1) I have created 5 things on my TO DO list for October. Of course there are many other things that I could've added to it, but I decided to start with 5 in hopes I will get through all five. I bought a dresser at Ikea over the summer. It is unfinished. I REALLY need to get it painted. I love pumpkin rolls and would love to bring one this year to Thanksgiving dinner, but I need to do a practice one first. I have started the invitations, but I need to get this party planned and pulled off by late October. I do not want to wait until December to take our photos, I would like to get them down this month. I stink at reading books. I want to finish 2 this month.
2) One word to describe our weekend would be relaxing. I love a weekend with no plans and nothing to do. Our weekend consisted of lots of football, cooking (footballs snacks and homemade pizzas), baking (pumpkin bread), and family time. My mom will be in town next weekend, so that will be fun. Sunday morning we got up, ate breakfast, and got dressed to take Madison to cheer in her game. Chris already had the car started and Maddie and I were headed to the car when her coach called to say the game was cancelled due to the weather. So thankful she caught us before we piled in the car.
3) I am about to follow this pin to clean out my dishwasher. I sure hope it works.
4) I went grocery shopping this morning at 7:45. I love going early in the morning. The shelves are usually stocked and there are rarely ever any other shoppers or lines to check out. I have been doing much better going with a meal plan for the week and a detailed grocery list. Tonight I am making this recipe I got off of Pinterest. I hope it tastes good - it only requires 3 ingredients.
4) I went grocery shopping this morning at 7:45. I love going early in the morning. The shelves are usually stocked and there are rarely ever any other shoppers or lines to check out. I have been doing much better going with a meal plan for the week and a detailed grocery list. Tonight I am making this recipe I got off of Pinterest. I hope it tastes good - it only requires 3 ingredients.
miscellany monday,
Friday, September 28, 2012
Insta Friday
I am loving the cooler weather. I hate to bake in the summer because we do not have central air and it is miserable being in the kitchen. I made up for it last week. I made apple crisp ala mode, cookie butter cookies {the amazing recipe for these are coming soon}, and pumpkin cheesecake muffins.
Here is a not so great photo of Maddie (she is the one in the back) cheering last weekend. I am shocked each week at the lack of parents in the stands supporting their kids. Shocked.
Madison's 13th birthday is less than a month away. I ordered these labels for 50% off from Tiny Prints. I am going to use them to package favors for her party. I am also working on invitations I am making. We are doing a Paint Your Own Canvas party for Maddie and 7 friends at our house. I am so glad I convinced her chevron was the way to go.
I am still loving the chalkboard display as you enter our kitchen as well as everyone adding the things they are thankful for. I am pretty sure my husband earned himself some back scratching the evening after he shared this gem.
I am linking up with -
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Fertility Help at the Dentist... ?
Yesterday I went to the dentist for my cleaning appointment. Mind you I was already unsettled because (1) I hate going to the dentist and (2) 6 months ago when I was there I refused xrays because there was a possibility I was pregnant... and I just didn't want to be asked about that.
I saw a new hygienist. She was reviewing my file before she started and asked if I was still taking a medication listed in my file. I let her know I was and she asked if I was on it for diabetes. I am on it, but not for diabetes, it was prescribed by my obgyn to help me get pregnant. I told her that is why I was on it... because my husband and I were trying for a baby. Then she said to me... "You know what I recommend for that? A bottle of wine while on vacation".
Now I know... she was probably just trying to be helpful... but the last thing a woman struggling to get pregnant wants to hear is "tips and tricks" from others. Believe me when I say we have tried a vacation (July of 2011) and have consumed several bottles of wine. We have also tried about every other trick in the book - standing on my head, relaxing, not trying, etc...
I am sure myself and countless others just wished like crazy all it took was a vacation and a bottle of wine... because believe me I would have booked a trip and bought a case of wine immediately after leaving their office yesterday.
Here is a great article a friend shared with me - 12 Things You Should Never Ask a Woman.
rude people,
unwanted advice
Friday, September 21, 2012
Friday Letters - Parents, Subway, and Being Cheap
Here are a few Friday Letters to share...
Dear BJs Wholesale Club,
I really needed to pick up a few things this afternoon - eggs, milk, the best tortilla chips in the world, and a few other things. THANK YOU for today being the last day my membership was valid... I just did not want to pay to renew today and was thrilled I could purchase my items today and wait until next time to renew.
Happy Shopper... minus the LONG wait in optical to get Madison's new glasses
Dear Father-in-law,
You have five children. Two of them live in Rhode Island. Those two live ten minutes apart from one another. Those two talk to one another. Why would you only tell one of them you were coming into town? Oh... that is right... you play favorites.
Glad My Parents Don't Play Favorites
Dear Almost a Teenager Daughter,
I tried to take you to the other Subway to get dinner tonight. You insisted we go to your "favorite" one. I am sorry your "ex-boyfriend" from last year walked in right as I was about to order your plain turkey and cheese sub for you. I am sorry you were both mortified. I am sorry that he felt the need to hide behind him mom before ordering his Italian sub on wheat. I don't think you could get to your cell phone fast enough once we got in the car to text your cousin and all of your friends. Just remember this was the Subway you wanted me to bring you to.
Mom Who Offered Food Choices Other Than Subway
Dear Mom,
I am sorry excited you are coming to visit in a few weeks. I am also glad that it will be the kick in the pants I need to clean the guest bedroom. It seriously looks like a Michaels Arts & Crafts threw up in there. Your visit will also prompt me to do all of the other things around my house I have been letting slide.
The Worst Housekeeper Ever
I am linking up my letters here -
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Thursday Thoughts...
I have been in a blogging rut lately... and thought I'd share some recent thoughts...
~ I made dinner all four weeknights this week - for me that is Monday - Thursday and lets just say that rarely... if ever happens. So I have already told my husband tomorrow night we are going out and I plan on ordering my favorite salad - even though I think it is overpriced. Its chopped romaine lettuce, gorgonzola cheese, dried cranberries, walnuts, grilled chicken, and a honey balsamic dressing. So far this week I made homemade pizzas, a whole chicken in the crock pot - easiest dinner ever, chicken tacos in the crock pot, and organic Italian chicken sausage with onions and peppers. Nothing fancy... but I am tooting my own horn for cooking... especially tonight when I didn't want to and my husband threw the Chinese take out menu out on the counter.
~ Madison is loving cheer leading. Every time I turn around she is doing a cheer. Tonight I went to pick her up and she was standing there... in the middle of the practice field... tons of people around... just in a sports bra. Let me tell you... I should have gotten my pajama clad self out of the car right then and there and yanked her up. Apparently she needed a reminder this evening not to get undressed at cheer practice. She "says" her shirt got wet... Umm... sure.
~ The week before last Georgetown Cupcakes was offering 40% off. I have always wanted to try them - so I ordered a dozen. They arrived a little bit mangled... and I have yet to hear back from the email I sent them regarding this which is a bit annoying... but even mangled they were some of the best cupcakes I have ever tasted. I think the key lime was my favorite.
~ I am loving the new show The New Normal. I hear some people are all up in arms about it because is portrays a gay couple in a positive way, but I thought it was hysterical and I plan on watching the rest of the season. I am also hooked on Abby & Brittany the show about the now 22 year old conjoined twins - the other week when they graduated from college - I sobbed because I thought it was so wonderful that they lead such a normal and happy life.
~ I made dinner all four weeknights this week - for me that is Monday - Thursday and lets just say that rarely... if ever happens. So I have already told my husband tomorrow night we are going out and I plan on ordering my favorite salad - even though I think it is overpriced. Its chopped romaine lettuce, gorgonzola cheese, dried cranberries, walnuts, grilled chicken, and a honey balsamic dressing. So far this week I made homemade pizzas, a whole chicken in the crock pot - easiest dinner ever, chicken tacos in the crock pot, and organic Italian chicken sausage with onions and peppers. Nothing fancy... but I am tooting my own horn for cooking... especially tonight when I didn't want to and my husband threw the Chinese take out menu out on the counter.
~ Madison is loving cheer leading. Every time I turn around she is doing a cheer. Tonight I went to pick her up and she was standing there... in the middle of the practice field... tons of people around... just in a sports bra. Let me tell you... I should have gotten my pajama clad self out of the car right then and there and yanked her up. Apparently she needed a reminder this evening not to get undressed at cheer practice. She "says" her shirt got wet... Umm... sure.
~ The week before last Georgetown Cupcakes was offering 40% off. I have always wanted to try them - so I ordered a dozen. They arrived a little bit mangled... and I have yet to hear back from the email I sent them regarding this which is a bit annoying... but even mangled they were some of the best cupcakes I have ever tasted. I think the key lime was my favorite.
~ I am loving the new show The New Normal. I hear some people are all up in arms about it because is portrays a gay couple in a positive way, but I thought it was hysterical and I plan on watching the rest of the season. I am also hooked on Abby & Brittany the show about the now 22 year old conjoined twins - the other week when they graduated from college - I sobbed because I thought it was so wonderful that they lead such a normal and happy life.
Friday, August 31, 2012
I have a bunch of random Instagram photos to share this week. I am linking up with Life Rearranged today -
Doing homework at the table after the first day of school |
Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate peanut butter cream frosting and mini Reese's peanut butter cups. |
Well I had ordered labels for the jars... but they are MIA - so a little scrapbook paper jazzed them up a bit. |
A big fresh salad I made for my husband this week for dinner. |
I had to share this again - Madison's first day of 8th grade!! |
The Friday before school started Maddie and I went for fro-yo. |
Me in the car on the way to Ikea last weekend. |
Maddie and Chris testing out some chairs at Ikea. |
Madison in another new shirt from Hollister... she in fact wore this outfit today to school. |
Chris and Maddie being silly at Trader Joe's. |
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
SO WHAT Wednesday!
SO WHAT if... Madison didn't want me walking her to the bus stop today. I can watch her from the front door walk to the stop and wait there for the bus. But my mom fail today was when the two other moms in the neighborhood did walk their kids to the bus.
SO WHAT if... I am making cupcakes in a jar this morning to send to my first ever wedding clients to enjoy in their new home - and haven't eaten breakfast... because my breakfast will be sampling one cupcake.
SO WHAT if... I meal planned for the week... I am working a 12-8 shift tonight... Madison asked for Little Cesar's for dinner and Little Cesar's it will be.
SO WHAT if... yesterday I literally had to force myself to drink my green monster smoothie for lunch - it somehow got really thick and I wanted to vomit.
SO WHAT if... I watch way more reality TV than I read. I cannot wait to watch last night's teen mom on the DVR.
SO WHAT if... I spent a lot of time on a custom order for someone through my etsy shop... I made several changes she asked for... only for her to not have purchased the listing. Lesson learned... charge upfront for custom listings.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The 1st Day of 8th Grade
Today was Madison's first day of 8th grade.
She wore an outfit she chose herself. Dress (Hollister on clearance... she begged for it and it ended up being less than $12) and sweater and flip flops (Old Navy).
She wasn't too amused by the chalkboard sign I made her stand by... but I sure did love it.
She came home all smiles...had a great day... but was starving and promptly ate a grilled cheese, banana, and carrots and dip.
Now she is at cheerleading practice.
I cannot believe next year she will be going to high school.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Miscellany Monday - Back to School Edition
(1) Madison starts 8th grade tomorrow... my oh my... where did the time go? I am not one of those moms who longs for back to school, although I am happy to be back on more of a schedule and to focus on work during the day instead of making sure Madison is entertained. So while I am excited for her to start a new year of school... I also love having her at home. I took the day off of work today so we could spend the day together. We ran by her school to get a few items from the book store we needed, went out to lunch, and went grocery shopping.
(2) My husband and I have been having lots of hard discussions about our life, our marriage, and our future. We are trying to focus more on improving things we have let fall to the wayside. Last night we ended a great weekend with a dinner date out - we had drinks - great seafood and good conversation. It was much needed and enjoyed.
(3) Maddie is cheering for the first time ever and loving it. She is just cheering for the local league. The other weekend they had photos scheduled. We got up and ready only to find out when we arrived they had been cancelled. I love this photo I took of her.
(3) Maddie is cheering for the first time ever and loving it. She is just cheering for the local league. The other weekend they had photos scheduled. We got up and ready only to find out when we arrived they had been cancelled. I love this photo I took of her.
(4) I have been trying like crazy to cook more at home. Today I made these green monster smoothies for my husband before he went to the gym. Last week I made this roast - but I wasn't a fan. We made soft pretzels again - always a hit. Last week I also made carne asada tacos, a lighter version of chicken parmigiana, and homemade pizzas.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Insta - Friday {Beach Edition}
One of our stops on the way to vacation was at our favorite hair salons for hair cuts for both Madison and I. This was taken at Target after our hair cuts. |
While in Virginia Beach during our trip I managed to drink several Sonic diet cherry cokes and ice waters - they don't have Sonic in RI and I miss their drinks! |
A fun photo of a chair one afternoon when Chris and I snuck away for lunch and shopping. |
Our beach house had a golf cart and Maddie loved driving it. |
Cousins enjoying a bowl of Lucky Charms at the beach house. |
Dinosaur putt putt golf one night after dinner. |
Breakfast - a diet coke and a peanut butter donut from Duck Donuts. |
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